Disney spends $71.3 billion to get 21st Century Fox
March 20, 2019
Disney spends $71.3 billion to get 21st Century Fox
March 20, 2019: The House of Mouse gets bigger with the conquest of 21st Century Fox. What does it mean for comic books?
Since the Jack Kirby heirs lost their battle seven years ago for ownership of Fantastic Four, Spider-Man, X-Men, Iron Man and Incredible Hulk, the problem of ownership simplified and all it took was legal moves and money (a lot of money) so that Disney could build up their already considerable advantage from buying Marvel Comics back in 2009, and are now ipso facto the largest purveyor of superherodom in the world.
Now that Disney (and Marvel) have the cinematic rights to X-Men and Fantastic Four, this will probably make for changes in the Marvel Comics cinematic world following Avengers: Endgame, when a new story arc but will presumably ignite into a whole new direction.
A side issue of the purchase is that Disney now could (theoretically) get the original three Star Wars movies (which was distributed by 20th Century Fox) out in their original versions, sans the later embellishments of George Lucas.
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Original Page May 2019