Comic Book Brain

Last Update: February 18, 2025

Movie version of DC's Basketful of Heads is comingComicbook – from Ana Lily Amirpour writing and directing and featuring Natasha Lyonne.

Red Sonja looking for USA releaseComicbookmovie

After spending two years in post-production, a deal has been struck to bring Red Sonja to UK cinemas, but what about North America?"

Cap 4 has good start but can it persevere with a B- CinemaScore score" ?Variety MSN

Will Midtown Comics And UCS start distributing Comics?Something it seems would be a perfect time to be the kind of distributor that will pick up all the business that Lunar Distribution doesn't have the space, manpower, or willingness to tackle."

Manhattan’s MoCCA indie comic art festival will have week of free admissionComicsbeat

How the comic strip world has changedThe Comics Journal

Interview with Tea Fougner, former Editorial Director of Comics, at King Features Syndicate.

Cat Woman Soon

Happy Meal toys contain characters that were deleted from Captain America 4Comicbookmovie

Marvel is "dead set" on "insulting fans" with another resurrection of Gwen Stacy Bounding into Comics

Would you like to watch 51 action-packed superhero movies? Forbes made a list for youForbes

Udon Entertainment signs with Lunar Distribution Anime News Network

Looks like Captain America 4 is headed to a $100 million opening weekend Deadline - the global haul looks like $192 million.

Captain America Brave New World Review

I'd Like to make a Brave New World Order, please – Review of Captain America 4

Cheeseburgers and superheroes – an essay
Captain America Brave New World Toys at Walmart

Price point doesn't match the actual items in the display, and probably scares off more than a few people who might be interested in some Cap #4 gear.

See Photo #2 and Photo #3 of the Captain America 4 toy displays at Wal-Mart.

Profile of Comic book scholar Martin BarkerThe Comics Journal

Barker's book began a nearly two decade period of study of the comics form. In a 2002 article for the International Journal of Comic Art, Barker wrote that he had no particular love for comics before he started his research. He wrote that he "didn’t much read comics as a child ... and didn‟t at all as an adult, apart from a brief period of reading 2000AD." Yet, despite this background, "comics, for seventeen years or so," were the “focus of [his] intellectual life...."

The article discusses the amount of research and writing Barker brought to an academic level of analysis of comic books.

Batman to the rescue at RocksteadyBounding into Comics

After placing all their bets (whether voluntarily or at the behest of WB Games) on the potential success of Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League and losing almost everything, Rocksteady Studios is reportedly attempting to dig themselves out of their Braniac-sized hole with a new single-player Batman game...."

How Alan Moore's "From Hell" led to identifying Jack the RipperBleeding Cool

Cap 4 has $40 million start from Friday ticketsVariety MSN

Hey, ChatGPT, show me an image of a Red-White-and-Blue superhero fan happy about earning good boxoffice (on Captain America 4):

Happy Captain America Fan leaping for Joy

Cap 4 aiming for $75–$100 million opening: Yahoo

Earnings expected on Cap 4 approx $90 million to open The-Numbers

...that’s well short of the sort of numbers posted during the heyday of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, [but] it’s a big improvement over the $46 million earned by The Marvels on its opening weekend in November 2023..."

Captain America: Brave New World Reviews

Harrison Ford rescues Cap 4The Hindu

Chasm between critics and audience scores for Cap 4Movieweb

"Anthony Mackie deserves better"USA Today

"Cinematic gobbledygook" Washington Post

"Muddled junk food"East Bay Times

Despite itself, Cap 4 "works"Los Angeles Times MSN

Cap 4 is the "same old Marvel rubbish"UK The Times

"Marvel is now a giant slop machine"Vulture

Captain America Brave New World's job is to introduce us to the new CapWashington Post

"Harrison Ford can’t save ‘lacklustre, bloated’ Marvel sequel"UK Express

Cap 4 "covers little new territory"Superherohype

"Hey, ChaptGPT, make an AI image of a worried superhero wearing an red-white-and-blue supersuit surrounded by dropped newspapers and he is carrying a round shield"

America Captain Crying and Melting

And then Grok took a swing: Grok SUpersuit Image worrying and crying over Captain America 4 reviews

Asked Grok: Make an image of a Bat-Themed Superhero laughing at the newspaper reviews for Captain America 4

More harsh review reactions

New X-Men’s Rogue? Margaret Qualley

Story at Superherohype

Diamond Comic Distributors moving to bankruptcy auction

Story at MSN Baltimore Sun

Besides Diamond Comic Distributors, which supplies stores with Marvel Comics and Star Wars statues, divisions up for sale include Diamond United Kingdom, Diamond Select Toys, Collectible Grading Authority and Alliance Game Distributors...."

Bidding deadline from outside businesses looking to buy Diamond (or parts of Diamond) is set for March 19 with a March 24 auction happening in New York. After that is a court hearing on March 27 with expectation to close-out the legal matters by April 10.

Blood Moon Comics shuts down, blames Diamond bankruptcyBleeding Cool

All remaining inventory is being transferred to Sunbury Press to sell in their online store or otherwise disposed of.

Hope there's not going to be more companies joining this list of Diamond Distributors collateral damage.

Batdate Number 1

There a chance ‘Batgirl’ will come out one day, but it'll have to be "leaked"Bounding into Comics

The cancelled Batgirl has joined that list of DC films people want to see (but can't): the Ayer's Suicide Squad original cut; the Joel Shumacher "dark 3-hour cut" of Batman Forever; and now Batgirl.

Has the Diamond bankruptcy changed the comic book industry forever?

Story at Publishers Weekly

Many publishers had already seen the writing on the wall by the time Diamond began having shipping problems late in 2024, following the closure of its Plattsburgh, N.Y., warehouse..."

The article describes the anecdotal situations of smaller publishers who are owed money and that has put some of them into precarious financial positions. For others it has axed expansion and licensing plans for 2025. Overall, the biggest issue is related by a comic book store owner simply stating the obvious: without Diamond's organized catalogue and ordering system, there simply isn't enough time in the day to go over the offers from hundreds of smaller publishers and ordering from them individually, which means without Diamond surviving in some fashion (and there are efforts by other businesses to buy up Diamond's business), a lot of small comic book publishing operations will be shoved into limbo if not outright ceasing of operations.

Diamond’s downfall is particularly shocking given its near monopoly of the direct market for more than 20 years..."

Image Comics Monkey Meat comic book parodies the comic book industryCBR MSN

Ultimate Spider-Man graphic novel is the bestseller for January 2025Comic Book Club Live

Bringing back Gwen Stacy again?Bleedingcool

Gwen STacy gets the call to go back to the majors

Art and colors by Kudzuposter

Marion Cotillard talks about the stress that screwed up Talia's death scene in The Dark Knight Rises

Video (in French) at Reddit

How Diamond Distributors changed the comic book industry

Story at Comicsbeat

Article has a time line of Diamond's expansion, and features anecdotes from John Shableski, Sales Manager at Diamond Book Distributors from 2007 to 2011.

Disney wants Captain America: Brave New World to get a $95 Million opening during President's Day weekendVariety MSN


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Time to go to Disney World? Goofy 4 Mickey

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