Archive Page 2091
July 20, 2021
Casting on Batwoman Season 3 – impressive that a show with such a drop in ratings last season is given more time with a third season – Deadline Hollywood and at Cinemablend
Concerning Batwoman ratings, this article at Wegotthiscovered mentions it: "...season 3 kicks off on October 13th, with the show moving to the new night of Wednesdays, possibly as an attempt to combat the dipping ratings."
Ghost World movie reaches 20 year anniversary – UK Guardian
Black Widow to appear in Shang-Chi movie? – Comicbookmovie
"Mykonos Batman" helps implement pandemic restrictions on the Greek isle
Video and story at Eleftherostypos [in Greek, use Google Translate to change to English if needed]
See more: Batmen of the World
The SDCC Comicon from 1970 to now – Multiversitycomics
The part that Detroit, Ray Bradbury and Artist’s Alley played in the creation of the long-running convention.
Report on Rochester Indie Comics Expo – Rochester City Paper
Yikes ... Black Widow suffers gigantic box office decline in second weekend?
Theater owners furious at Disney strategy on Black Widow – more on the Black Widow page
Those times DC heroes appeared in Marvel Comics – Whatculture
The hungering continues...
"Comic books have taken over the movies. Must they take our indie auteurs, too?"
Story at Washington Post - MSN News
Review of Houston, Texas' Comicpalooza convention – Houston Press
Batman News Roundup:
Penguin only gets half dozen scenes in coming The Batman movie – IGN
He's gotta appear some if you're going to sell a Pengiun toy next March, 2022
Lego has a Batman Cowl mask set – Batman News
You can build it but I don't think you could safely wear it.
1989 Batmobile in the coming Flash movie – Wegotthiscovered
The headline at WGTC said fans were going mad at this news.
Ruby Rose says Batwoman suit gave her hives – NME
She found out that she was allergic to latex .
Adam West Pro-Wrestling Batman Appearance – Screenrant
West hilariously - and potentially through some level of inebriation - accuses Lawler of colluding with The Penguin and Mr. Freeze to make Tennessee's winter unusually frigid that year, a true crime against humanity if there ever was one. Lawler joining into the conversation only ratchets up the surreal nature of the event, with "The King" coming out in full Superman attire, followed by Batman referring to Superman as his friend "Sup," and even bizarrely invoking Marvel superhero Spider-Man, calling him "Spidey-Baby."
More Adam West
Batman and Robin movie "under-rated" – Screenrant
For pure entertainment value of the unintended kind, it is indeed a champion.
Space Jam vs Black Widow this weekend at box office – MSN Variety
World of Lebanese comic books – Albawaba
Brazil Comic Books: HQ Destro - aka The Hammer of Freedom – Manometcurrent
São Paulo, 2045. A communist dictatorship has spread across the planet and the Brazilian metropolis is destroyed. There are no more dogs – they have all been devoured by starving locals, including a large number of Argentines who fled the Peronist government, even more cruel than that of Brazil. Drones are monitoring people, who have been forced to enroll in a global biometric system. In this scenario, a former military man walks in the shadows, unidentified by the digital Marxist dictatorship. His name is João Destro. This is the starting point of HQ Destro, scripted by Luciano Cunha and designed by Michel Gomes.

Original page July 28, 2021