Comic Book Brain

Archive Page 2047

Deconstructing Stan Lee

Stan Lee

The Washington Post goes after Stan Lee, saying that Lee's creator status on so many stories/character is not earned, that "at best, he's just an editor" or something like that.

Deconstructing Stan Lee

The times Jack Kirby appeared in comics

A tally of twenty instances at CBR

Batman kills Superman "In the craziest way possible" - Story at Comic Book

If DC Comics (and Marvel) can make killing their characters as cliche as their frequent reboots to issue one, why can't they merge these two stupid ideas and have the characters killed and rebooted every issue? It could save paper.

Updated DC Comics page

Henry Cavill talks about the future DC movies - story at Cheat Sheet

The Importance of Comic Book Shops In an On-Demand Digital World

Liking superheroes and strange genre stories is not what it used to be when I was a kid. In fact, these sorts of stories make up the bulk of pop culture today. Yet, the comic book shop is still a sacred space where the importance of these stories is not taken lightly. Folks can easily dismiss the Marvel or DC films as amusement park rides lacking in the substance that makes great stories. However, in the comics shop, folks understand that these stories are our modern mythology. Kids love superheroes because the real world often lets them down. Captain America, Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman are figures who exemplify good values and who will never disappoint us with a secret scandal. (If they do, it’s like a villainous plot involving a doppelganger!)

Story at Comic Years

Disney Plus Samuel L. Jackson = Nick Fury series

So says Gizmodo

So, no new Henry Cavill footage for Zack Snyder's Justice League redo?

Thus says Collider

Comicrypt auctions

...original art from John Romita, Jr. -- including a page from his Black Panther run (with award-winning writer and TV and film producer Reggie Hudlin) that features imagery used in promotional materials for BET's animated Black Panther series. Of particular note in the initial livestream sale is the complete original art for Black Panther (2005) #2 with art by artist Romita Jr, inker Klaus Janson, and written by Hudlin.

Story at comicbook

Archie Comics going full-Comixology

"...the new initiative marks the first time a major U.S. publisher has made content available day-and-date with the subscription-based streaming service". The new level of service begins with this week's release of Sabrina: Something Wicked #3. But, along with the latest release, comiXology Unlimited users can now read the full Archie library on the service. ComiXology Unlimited is a subscription-based service that offers access to 25,000 comic books, graphic novels, and manga for a flat fee of $5.99 a month.

Story at MSN News

More Archie

Keanu Reeves BRZRKR now at $1.128 million in backing

Five more days left. Page at Kickstarter

More about BRZRKR

Darth Vader Eye Strain

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Original page October 19, 2020

Super/Man Christopher Reeves at Amazon UHD HDR Video

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Verdusa Spider Tee

Verdusa Spider Tee – Amazon