Comic Book Brain
Spideybub and Batzman and comic books too goodStoic Must be Stoic Crush yoru enemies arnold turns 75

Theatre of Superhero Mockery VI

Action Comics Number 1

Auction Comics

Excuse me, Auction Comics Number 1

The Overstreet Price Guide 2023-2024

Grok Prompt Superhero Figure based upon the sculpture style of Gaston LaChaise

Defective Comics #27

Defective Comics 27 1939 featuring BATZMAN

Art by Blob Kane

Falcqn and the Winter Soldjer Gent Sized

Falcon and the Winter Soldier Gent Sized

Bat Guano and the batzmobile

Super/Man Christopher Reeves at Amazon UHD HDR Video

Bartzman and Roobin
Theater of Superhero Mockery
Theater of Superhero Mockery

Theatre of Superhero Mockery Pages 12345678

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Verdusa Spider Tee

Verdusa Spider Tee – Amazon

Original Page March 30, 2021 | Updated June 1, 2022