Comic Book Brain

Archive Page 2054

Top advance orders via Diamond Distributors

Story at Bleeding Cool

November 12, 2020

Some of the largest advance orders for coming title releases, longer list at the BC link:

  1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Last Ronin #2 (IDW)
  2. Venom #31 (Marvel)
  3. E Ratic #1 (Artisans Inc)
  4. Conan the Barbarian #17 (Marvel)
  5. Captain Marvel #24 (Marvel)
  6. Vampirella #15 (Dynamite)

The "Greatest Comic Book Artists of All Time"

List of ten names - and none on the list are unexpected - at CBR

November 8, 2020

Van Horn's Donald Ducks /Uncle Scrooge comics collection coming from Fantagraphics

Story at Bleeding Cool

Punchline promos

Story at Hollywood Reporter headlined as: Why DC's Punchline Is Poised to Be a Breakout Character

This all reminds me of Marvel Comics Dazzler character, somehow.

And more of the same at MSN News/Gamesradar: Punchline Special charts her rise to being "a real celebrity and icon in Gotham City"

Million-dollar Detective Comics #27 sells for $812,500

So, not a million dollar copy afterall, though not for lack of trying at Heritage Auctions

Defective Comics 27 1939 featuring BATZMAN


More about Detective Comics #27

DC Comics' Future State series

"Next Batman" etc showcased at DC Comics Future State image promos

Marvel billionaire vs DC Comics billionaire

Who has the larger funding, Tony Stark or Bruce Wayne? - Anaylsis at Epicstream

Love Comics

"10 Most Disturbing Romances In DC Comics"

Story at CBR

Major theft of John Buscema artwork has occurred

November 6, 2020

Longtime Marvel artist, Buscema coauthored the book The Marvel Way to Draw Comic Books (with Stan Lee), was the main artist on Conan for a very long time, and worked on a lot of the 1960s and 70s Marvel hero books. Frequently a fan favorite for comic book aficionados from that era.

Story about the robbery at Observer

John Buscema 1927-2002

How Sam Raimi's Spider-Man trilogy doesn't make sense

Story at Cinemablend

DC Comics plans to really push the character Punchline in 2021

Story at Gamesradar

New Spider-Man Miles Morales promo

You will see Amazon links on this web site because I am an Amazon affiliate. I earn from qualifying purchases.

Verdusa Spider Tee

Verdusa Spider Tee – Amazon

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Original page November 17, 2020