Comic Book Brain
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Archive Page 2040

All the cartoon show Spider-Men in chronological order

The shows they organize into a seamless timeline are:

  • Spider-Man (1981)
  • Spider-Man (1967)
  • Marvel's Spider-Man (2017)
  • Spider-Man (1994)
  • Ultimate Spider-Man (2012)
  • The Spectacular Spider-Man (2008)
  • Spider-Man And His Amazing Friends (1981)
  • Spider-Man: The New Animated Series (2003)
  • Spider-Man Unlimited (1999)

Organized at CBR

Wonder Woman Chainsaw

If only this was the WW costume for WW 1984

More WW84

The Anatomy is Wrong

Love the Food that Loves You Back Book

Love The Food that Loves You Back – Amazon

Love the Food that Loves You Back: 100 Recipes That Serve Up Big Portions and Super Nutritious Food (Cookbook for Nutrition, Weight Management)

American Comics A History

Marvel will be 81 years in business on August 31

Happy birthday story at

More at CBR ("Marvel Comics celebrates its 81st birthday on Aug. 31 with an assortment of comics, apparel, video games and social media activities.")

And at Previews World Diamond Distributors ("To kick off the celebration, Marvel revealed a stunning original commemorative piece of art by legendary comic book artist Ron Lim and colorist Israel Silva, which comic book retailers will receive as a surprise variant for MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN #18")

With DC Comics departed, pretty sure Marvel shall now always dominate the Diamond Comics sales charts

Leading preorder sales discussed at Bleeding Cool

Another The Thing reboot coming?

With John Carpenter involved? Story at IGN News

Director Chris Nolan and the Dark Knight (and time synchronization)

Story at Observer

Apologies to Bruce Banner, Jack Kirby, Dale Keown and Marvel Comics Messtro Cover

The New Batman trailer gets a lot of publicity

With not much happening in the world of (new) movies and with the big comic book companies "slimming down" (or cratering, depending upon your point of view), anything Batman gets a lot of focus in a world starved for top-line comic book entertainment.

Some examples of what is the reaction to the new trailer:

  1. The New Batman Trailer 4K - Matt Reeves' Vimeo page
  2. Comics Division - If Pattinson was Nightwing, maybe, but otherwise, nope
  3. - A trailer version that looks like a convention bootleg
  4. Nerdist - Counting all the villains In The Batman Trailer
  5. Movie Web - Delving into the "deeply flawed psyche" of Bruce Wayne
  6. Gizmodo - Breaking Down The Batman's First Trailer
  7. Yahoo - No, your eyes aren't going bad, The Batman trailer is too dark ("It's a shame directors need to start taking into account that audiences are probably watching their movies in suboptimal conditions...")
  8. wegotthiscovered - Makeup artist confirms: that's Penguin in the trailer

Regarding the teaser trailer: it has an up front upgrade on the Bat-attitude with the "I'm vengeance" line, instead of what we expect ("Who are you?" - "I'm Batman!") a question and answer sequence we're familiar with because it has been in the previous films. This also probably indicates the story arch: Bats starts off on a vengeance spree but comes to an understanding that justice and personal vendetta are not the same thing. Maybe.

Positive: looks like they're wrecking some Batmobiles (hard to say, stuff is murky because the trailer is trying hard to not show off too much). If true, this is a good move, since the other films usually (not always) treat Batman's main machine like a holy object. Obviously, in a world of combat against criminals in which Batman gets regularly beaten up, the Batmobile(s) needs to take lumps, too.

Negative: hope this film isn't veering off into plain old 21st century Hollywood nihilism with that 'vengeance' line. Remember, Punisher is an imitation of Batman, it shouldn't be the other way around, not that is likely what's going on here, but there's a very large pool of comic book and movie heroes already based on revenge, and Batman has always succeeded by not delving too deep into those kinds of waters.

Endless Winter from DC

Endless Winter Batzman and Wondar Woman
This is NOT the art from Endless Winter

Story at gamesradar

Eternals to alter Marvel Comics cosmology?

Aug 24, 2020: Story at comicbook

Image Comics changing

"... announced a significant reorganization." Story at Hollywood Reporter

New Suicide Squad promo sure does praise itself a lot

Footage indicates a lot of action and a lot of characters. Hope its not just a revamp of David Ayer's film, but has something to offer that isn't the heartlessness of The Fantabulous Retirement of Harley Quinn.

Batman mini-series will have a black Batman

Story at wegotthiscovered

New WW 1984 Trailer

Can't tell from this if the film is loaded with good action and story (could be) or it's a messy, overlong attack on something not actually specified in the film...

More about the film WW84

New Mutants at $9.9 million for opening weekend

Story art Box Office Mojo

Lewis Wilson Batman 1943

Lewis Wilson, Batman, 1943

DC Fandome selects favorite screen Batmen

No, they didn't pick Lewis Wilson (or Robert Lowery)

Ahead of Pattinson’s debut, fans recently got the chance to weigh in on their favorite on-screen Bruce Wayne. After all, every fan seems to have their own opinion on what makes the perfect Caped Crusader. Yet, the results were not what anyone expected.

The article doesn't even mention Lewis or Lowery

Story at Cheatsheet

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Batman Vintage Tee

Batman& Robin Vintage Tee – Amazon