Archive Page 2007
All-female Marvel Movie?
USA Today stokes the flame. Mostly about Brie Larson.
Top Halloween costumes of 2019: Spider-Man and Princess Elsa
Story at USA Today
500 horsepower Bat-Mobile for sale, only $850K
Comes with night-vision. This isn't a model kit – story at Mens Health

Art by Dre Ad
Marvel will resurrect The End series with slate for final adventure stories for Deadpool, Miles Morales and Captain America
Details at IGN News
Todd Phillips Joker film sets up the premise for a different kind of Batman
The writer at Hollywood Reporter examines various permutations of what sort of Bruce Wayne would develop in the world of the Todd Phillips' Joker movie.
Detective Comics: 80 Years of Batman Deluxe Edition
Batman: The Definitive History of the Dark Knight in Comics, Film, and Beyond - AMAZON
Batman 80th Anniversary Collection (Blu-ray)
Batman: The Definitive History of the Dark Knight in Comics, Film, and Beyond - AMAZON
Joker barely into theaters and already there's Oscar talk
Story at Bleeding Cool
More Joker
Ten times Europe turned against freedom of speech: List includes some cartoonists who found out what happens when you draw something not liked by powers that command the police force.
Art by McCave
Swat Team Batman
Policeman dressed in Batman garb scales building to entertain kids at children's hospital - video at MSN News
Reminds me of the famous "Route 29 Batman" - story at Washington Post
August 17, 2015: Famed in the Washington DC / Baltimore area for his charitable work with children, Lenny B Robinson was killed in a tragic road-side accident.
Older piece at the Post:
When Batman finally reached the elevator for the slow ride up to the cancer ward, I could see his face already sweating behind the mask. He told me he loses 5 to 6 pounds in water weight when he wears the superhero uniform. He paid $5,000 for it. He spends $25,000 a year of his own money on Batman toys and memorabilia. He signs every book, hat, T-shirt and backpack he hands out — 'Batman'."
Read the profile at the Washington Post

World's smallest comic book store?
Hella Novella - story at SF Gate
Vox Batman
More Batman 2021
Storm over Storm's complexion
Article at the Marysue about how Storm's coloring is making her "unrecognizable." Also, that she "looks more like Felicia Hardy."
Joker rolling towards top-earner for R-rated superhero film
Oct 21, 2019: At $737 million worldwide - details at Business Insider

Baltimore Comicon coming
Preview at Comics Beat
Clark Kent goes full Tony Stark
Superman speaks his truth - NY Times
Secet Identity revealed - Comic Book
Its not a fake-out - Newsarama
Batman cast confirmed
More Batman 2021
September's biggest seller was Spawn #300
Story at Bleeding Cool
The answer to this is obvious: Why is Galaxy Quest the best Star Trek movie? – Newsarama
Jonah Hill exits consideration for Batman movie villain role - Collider
Whiz Comics
New York Comicon 2019
A home for "black nerds" - The Grio
Comicon's most annoying moment - Bleeding Cool
210,000 tickets sold - Publishers Weekly
Oscars 2019
Feb 25, 2019
‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ Wins Best Animated Feature
Ruth Carter wins Oscar for Best Costumes for Black Panther
Someone needs to pay a royalty to Neal Adams
Advertisement in American Art Magazine Feb 2019. See the Anthony Mastromatteo page discussing this oil painting.
Also in that issue:
Fast Reviews:
Spiderman into the Spider-Verse - Complex animation effort combining CGI with comic book half-toning, plus a myriad of other effects, presenting one of the best truly comic book visually-derived films to date. Story is no slouch either, with Columbia Pictures somehow doing Marvel better than Marvel has been of late. I went into the film dreading the boredom of having Uncle Ben getting laid low (again) and the pity-party travails of Peter Parker, instead Spiderverse is a whole team of similar "Parkers" pulled together from other dimensions (one's a talking pig, Spider-Ham), each with similar back stories and dilemmas, but each individually different. Spiderverse has the interesting contrast of a nearly perfect blonde Peter Parker getting killed and replaced by a "loser" dark-haired Peter Parker who has to take over a job he doesn't want, training a schoolkid Spider-Man name Miles Moreles. They have to all get it together to stop an evil (female) Doc Ock and Kingpin who is determined to somehow regain his dead wife and son by plucking them from another dimension, apparently abusing string-theory, the idea that multiple universes are spawned by variables in outcomes. A surprisingly entertaining and better film than expected.