Racks III
What's out there on the shelves and on the streets
The marketing blitz around the Wonder Woman 1984 film has resulted in Gal Gadot is everywhere
Not all superheroes wear capes - (In Japan, there are Manga dedicated to tennis. Why hasn't this happened in American comic books? There was a DC title called Strange Sports at one time, but it was brief. )
Chilly relationship
Secret Identity
Dec 2017
Dark Knight Rises next to the Hello Kitty section
Darkness next to the girls clothing - December 2012
Nolan's Dark Knight Rises DVD and BluRay dispenser adds some Hollywood darkness to the otherwise cheerful Disney and Hello Kitty girls clothing section
Naruto at Walmart
The Japanese manga Naruto is by Masashi Kishimoto. Photo March 2021, Chester Virginia.
Marvel Hoodie, March 2021
Virginia Wal-Mart
At Barnes and Noble. More Archie

Comic Book Rack Feb 3, 2012 - Barnes and Noble
Original Page October 19, 2020 | Lasy Update March 18, 2023