Archive Page 2172
July 2023
Chris Nolan says "no" to making another superhero movie and also say that Hollywood have forgotten there is more to a movie than just a plot
Story at Variety
Christian Bale is probably not going to play Batman again after Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises. The Oscar-winning actor told ScreenRant last summer that he would only play Batman for a fourth time if Christopher Nolan was directing, but Nolan doesn’t appear to be interested in returning to the comic book genre. YouTuber HugoDécrypte asked Nolan point blank if he would make "another superhero movie." Nolan bluntly answered, "No."
To make his point about visuals vs plot, Nolan discusses the strengths of Star Wars and how much that film depended upon a sophisticated and innovative "audio-visual" approach.
Story problems effecting the MCU
Story at Cinemablend
I am a ride or die fan of Marvel Studios, and the Marvel Cinematic Universe. No matter what story they choose to tell, I will anticipate it with the same kind of excitement as a child on Christmas Eve, ready to unwrap a new present. That’s why I’ve circled the (constantly changing) release dates for such upcoming Marvel movies as The Marvels, Deadpool 3, and Captain America: Brave New World. But even a rabid fan like me can tell that the studio is painting itself into a corner as it heads into Phase 5, and I’m not sure what it can do to right the ship as it moves forward.
Marvel is going to kill Moon Knight? – Comicbook – Is it his turn?
"Last days of Moon Knight" – Comics Watch
DC Comic releases this week – comics continuum
Putting Disney characters on the covers of Marvel Comics – Comicbookmovie
Part of how Disney is celebrating its 100th birthday. Art above is not legitimiate Marvel/Disney artwork, to say the least.
Is Heavy Metal magazine dead? – Bleeding Cool
The resurrected Ms Marvel gets a celebrity writer – Comics Beat
Related: Ms. Marvel Disney+ show is moving over to ABC for broadcast – CBR.Com
DC Comic releases this week – comics continuum
New Harley Quinn Season 4 for Max is NSFW – Superherohype
Why Watchmen was ahead of the curve and this impacted Avengers etc – Yahoo News
Barry Diller: What if the strike leads to a total collapse of Hollywood? – Mediaite
Diller called for a settlement deadline of September 1, and said there could be catastrophic ramifications if the strikes extend into the fall. "Who cares about Hollywood?" Diller said — referencing what he believes to be overriding public sentiment on the issue. "Who cares about it? But the truth is, this is a huge business! Both domestically and for world exporters. … But these conditions will potentially produce an absolute collapse of an entire industry." The IAC chief acknowledged the “existential issues” at play, and said there is "no trust between the parties" — which could prolong the strikes.
At ComiCon 2023 "it is back to basics"
Story at Hollywood Reporter
They're saying in the article that with the strikes in Hollywood, the ComiCon is retracted back toward it's fundamental mission.
A guide to ComiCon 2023
Story at MSN Fox News
Behind the story on the "brand make-over" for Teenage Mutant Turtles – Variety
Zoe Thorogood and five Eisner awards - or as the UK Guardian calls it, the Comic Book Oscars
Story at UK Guardian
Unflinchingly depicting her battles with depression, Zoe Thorogood, a 24-year-old from Bradford, has scooped most nominations for this week’s Eisner Awards
Here's a bunch of articles on Zoe Thorogood graphic novel titles at the Comics Beat website.
Wired explains how to sell your old comic books – Wired
...there's a few things you should know. While there've been some spikes in the sales of very old and rare comic lots in recent years, you shouldn't expect to get rich if your comics collection doesn't go back much further than the 1980s or '90s. Even if you still have a 1993 first-printing copy of The Death of Superman, you still might only get $10 to $20 by selling, unless it's in nearly perfect condition or it's signed and certified.
Disney+ rushed content into production and this is blamed for the low-quality on the screen
Story at Gamespot
Some Disney fans have no complaints about the fall in quality for the Disney brand, they don't detect a change. If it's got a Disney logo, its "good."
More about Disney vs its vassal companies

Original page July 19, 2023