Archive Page 2067
January 29, 2021
Captain Marvel 2 could have all female hero leads
And introduce The A Force - story at Wegotthiscovered
[Updated: An earlier description of this said "Captain Marvel 2 could have all female cast" which was a pretty interesting idea but apparently not what they're cooking up for the sequel, more's the pity.]
Snyder cut Justice League will have DeSaad and Darkseid
Story at MovieWeb
George Clooney is doing a Buck Rogers remake
Story at via Fark
Comics pros worried over job market
Story at Bleeding Cool
Twenty-five years ago DC and Marvel teamed up, and Marvel almost went under, the X-Men ruled the sales charts
A look at the past at MSN News
Marvel Comics Exhibit to be featured when Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry reopens in March
Story at MSN News
The Batman production headed for finish in March
Story at Movie Web
Delayed 2020 films and coming titles, a list
List of movies that have been moved around on schedule but are (presumably) coming out in 2021 (or beyond).
Batman: The Long Halloween animated film is getting a PG13 rating.
Teen Titans season three adds Batgirl
And its now just called "Titans" - actress Savannah Welch will be Barbara Gordon - story at Comicyears
The Access Guide to the Black Comic Book Community 2020-2021 book is coming
" showcase Black creators who have comics or graphic novels that have come out in 2020, as well as showcase publishers themselves and the ideas and goals they are setting in the new year. Additionally, the book will highlight stores and conventions that are Black owned or run. The book will be a vehicle for casual readers, who feel overwhelmed by the options the comic book industry provides, or from store regulars who may want to expand their horizons."
Story at CBR
Comic Book growth
"How did comic book culture get so huge? The experts explain."
Longish news article about the growth of comic book collecting and the ancillary elements of the hobby, with the article mentioning 1967 but really picking up the story in the 1980s. This of course leaves out decades upon decades of history of the industry, but the article does give a present-tense overview, though not a very serious one, and projects forward about what could be happening next.
These days, fans don’t have to hide their enthusiasm for costumed characters, caped crusaders and other fictional favorites. Instead, they can proudly wave their geek flag now that comic book culture has been so thoroughly embraced by the mainstream. Comic book culture has exploded in popularity in recent decades, moving from a once-male-dominated genre – which many believed was suitable primarily for younger readers – to a juggernaut that appeals to all ages, genders, nationalities and backgrounds.
Story at Mercury News/MSN News
Actress Kathryn Hahn (Doctor Octopus in Spider-Verse) not confirmed for sequel
Story at Cinemablend
Who is the new Captain America?
It's not anyone here at CBB. Story at Wegotthiscovered
Number one movie in America? The Marksman
Marksman's $2.03M box office shows that Wonder Woman 1984's small $37.7 million domestic take was no anomaly, theaters are still a wasteland for releasing for new titles... story at Deadline
Symbiote costume for Felicia Hardy - CBR
Adam West Batman Lego build
Picture and story at Brothers Brick

Original page February 28, 2021