Comic Book Brain

Archive Page 2065

January 23, 2021

There's a Batman-Biden link

And it is through Bat-superfan Sen. Patrick Leahy - story at Daily Dot

And then there's also a Captain America - Biden link, too - photo of 27 year old Biden "is basically Captain America" - story at Ta Nea (it's in Greek you'll have to use translator - like google translate - to read the page, unless of course you can read Greek.)

President Biden and VP Kamala Harris are in the comics

Story at Msn News

Marvel's Spider-Man books for 2021 - story at Gamesradar

King Kong vs Godzilla is now set for March, and this prompts a very obvious question

Is there going to be a rush to schedule movies into theaters?

With political leadership in large urban centers calling for reopenings to get the retail world back on its feet, a "snooze, you lose" panic may hit movie conglomerates who may sense a chance to earn some real box office gold has miraculously arrived.

More about King Kong vs Godzilla and the obvious question

Spider-Man III is going to be a Ho-Ho-Ho movie

Apparently a Christmas time movie says Movieweb


Bruce Timm on Michael Keaton in Batman Beyond - - in a way, he looks too good to be old man Bruce Wayne

He looks like he could kick most guys' asses.

And other remarks (mostly positive) at comicbook

More Michael Keaton

Is the DC Comics future tied up in their 60-page anthology titles?

They talk about it at Bleeding Cool

Speculations on a Batman Beyond film with Michael Keaton

Story at Movieweb

Ethan Hawke will be in the coming Moon Knight series

Story at Gizmodo

Scott Pilgrim vs. the World game a "big hit"

Story at The Gamer

They say Zack Snyder's coming Justice League cut will be four-hours-long

Looks like it is time to bring back the concept of The Intermission - story at comicbookmovie

Netflix is going to screen a new movie every week this year

On Netflix’s 2021 slate are films starring Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Chris Evans, Jonah Hill, Zendaya, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Ryan Reynolds, Gal Gadot, Jake Gyllenhaal, Sandra Bullock, Chris Hemsworth, and Denzel Washington.

They'll be outnumbering Disney's 50-movie schedule by twenty titles - story at

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Original page January 18, 2021