Archive Page 2050
This artwork actually has nothing to do with the coming movie
Gal Gadot and Patty Jenkins are doing a Cleopatra movie
Story at Yahoo News and at Deadline Hollywood
Breaking: Superman can beat up Thanos but not The Phoenix Force
There's nothing that Superman could do against the Living Tribunal. He couldn't think his way through the fight. The Living Tribunal is so above him that it's not even funny and wouldn't even need to fight him - he could wink Superman out of existence if he so chose."
Analysis: The five Marvel Cosmic Beings Superman can beat and the five he'd lose to - Story at CBR
Must be Halloween
Multi-Spidermen rumours sort've confronted by Sony
Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland. Story at Cinemablend
The Batman movie updates
The Batman filming happening in Chicago - Yahoo News
New set photos show Bats up in Liverpool Tower - Movieweb
The Batman now filming "stateside" - Cinemablend
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon and who is and who isn't Batman now - Yahoo
The January 2021 DC Covers solicitations - at Gamesradar
The Bat-Duck is for sale
The six-wheeled Penguin vehice from Batman Returns is available - article at MSN News
Comic company Terrific Productions scandal story
Article at Gizmodo Australia
Wonder Woman and Batman getting audio adventures
Details at Variety
Disney changes focus to streaming, and Warner is doing layoffs
Reality is catching up with Hollywood: Disney no longer emphasizing billion dollar blockbuster superhero movies for income, and on top of that problem, their theme parks are either shut down or operating with a miniscule of patronage. Story at comicbook and at CNBC
For more context, see this article at KCRW (and note what photo they choose to illustrate the story) which talks about the waves of layoffs in the entertainment world as pandemic restrictions keeps deep-sixing movie theaters.
The Batman movie set pix
Gossip about production of The Batman imploding has produced the release of photo proof that the production is still a reality. Penguin! Bruce Wayne! Selina Kyle! Images at E! Online
Artist Ryan Ottley leaves Spider-Man
Story at Gamesradar

Original page October 30, 2020