Archive Page 2049
Writer Alejandro Jodorowsky talks about Moebius and The Incal
Not actual Incal Art
The comic book story from Heavy Metal (original version in France's Metal Hurlant) in the early 1980s featuring Moebius' sci-fi art. Story at Hollywood Reporter
Spider-Man 3 may feature Vincent D'Onofrio back as Kingpin
Story at Movieweb
Kirby Exhibit, France
DC Comics collections getting rescheduled to 2021
Story at Bleeding Cool
Bat-Gossip: Pattinson "fights the director" and refuses to do his pushups - story at (Its in Greek, but many browsers have translators, or you can go use google translator)
Ambitious Luchador project: 'La Mano del Destino'
Early in the process, he realized that printing single issues of “La Mano del Destino” in both English and Spanish would double the cost of producing them. So he wrote the story in English while “always knowing that I want to do the Spanish-language version when I turn it into a paperback.”
Article about the artist and writer J. Gonzo at Detroit Free Press
The Kickstarter page
Hulk-Ruffalo to exit?
Could get "thrown out" says actor - or says Comic Book .com
Alan Moore Interview
Superhero movies are a "blight" and he wants no connection to comic books - or so interview has it at Deadline Hollywood
I’m not so interested in comics anymore, I don’t want anything to do with them. I had been doing comics for 40-something years when I finally retired. When I entered the comics industry, the big attraction was that this was a medium that was vulgar, it had been created to entertain working class people, particularly children. The way that the industry has changed, it’s ‘graphic novels’ now, it’s entirely priced for an audience of middle class people. I have nothing against middle class people but it wasn’t meant to be a medium for middle aged hobbyists.
Moore voices an analysis on the current health of the industry, and what he says isn't positive: pre-Covid, the industry was in jeopardy, but getting the business out of Covid alive may never happen. This isn't too far removed from other voices who have said there are serious infrastructure problems to the business of selling comic books.
DC Gossip around the internet:
Wonder Woman 1984 is going to go to streaming, and Pattinson is going to either quit the Batman role or The Batman production will shutdown, one or the other will happen first, and soon.
'I used to be excited whenever Hollywood or TV was going to make an adaptation of my favorite books and comic books. Now I'm afraid.'
A comment on the side-scroll at Nerdrotic Live at You Tube

Original page October 30, 2020