Comic Book Brain

Jerry Robinson

Born Sherrill David Robinson - January 1, 1922 – December 7, 2011

Comic book pioneer, artist and inker. Author of various books on comic books and the history of the beginning of the medium.

Jerry Robinson, along with Bob Kane and writer Bill Finger, was a contributing force to the creation of The Batman and Robinson is usually credited as the principal creator of Batman arch-villain The Joker (though the credit to Robinson has been disputed by Bob Kane, who offers a different story on the origin of the "Clown Prince of Crime.")

Jerry Robinsons The Worlds Greatest Comics Quiz Cover

Worlds Greatest Comics Quiz, Tempo Books 1978

Jerry Robinson took his deep knowledge of comics and turned it into a papeback quiz book in 1978.

The World's Greatest Comics Quiz - AMAZON

Batman: The Definitive History of the Dark Knight in Comics, Film, and Beyond - AMAZON

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Original Page May 2, 2014