Comic Book Brain
Waiting for the Comic Book Store to OpenBodybuilder customers waiting to go into the comic book storeSuper models waiting for the comic book store to open

Waiting for the Comic Book Store to Open

Wednesday has come!

You've been waiting all week for the next issue to come out, or more likely all month, or maybe even longer considering how late some books run, anyway you've been waiting. And waiting. And now you're ready, the shop is about to open, but, Whoa, there's a lot of weirdos outside waiting to get inside, too.

Man, hope you don't have to fight your way to the new issue racks, y'know, like that other time. And that other, other time.

Hey Chat GPT, show me what it's like waiting outside a nice, decent, neighborhood comic book store!

Chat GPT: Y'got it, Hoss!

Ye Olde Comix Shoppe


Customers Outside the SHoppe


And then it opens! We go inside!

Grok, show me how the customers inside the Comic Book Store shop, Fumetti style!

Grok: Say no more!

Quicksilver vs Flash

No I dare Not even though it means blowing my rent money

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Verdusa Spider Tee

Verdusa Spider Tee – Amazon

I shall not concede the issue!
Random plot and weak art
Look - they killed the main character
Indy Comics all the time
Artists Edition
The Antomy is Wrong

Original Page March 8, 2025