Comic Book Brain
Collector Dolls SuperheroLook at this collector doll viewed by the evil witchThe Three Colelctors in the Surf on the Beach

Collector Dolls Superhero Mania - Page 3 of 3

Asking the AI engine to change the collector to a robotic figure meant losing sight of who was "collecting" who with the "collectible doll" getting larger and then human size. A simple reminder to the AI (Grok in this case) to keep the doll "doll size" fixed the issue.

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The Anatomy is Wrong

Superhero doll collectors 30

On the other hand, the AI interpreted "robotic" collector as apparently rather sinister, with glowing eyes and a Conrad Veidt "The Man Who Laughs" sort of smile.

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Additional images, Addendum

Collector Mania Addendum

Collector Dolls Superhero Mania 55

AI Challenge

Original page March 4, 2025