Comic Book Brain

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January 2024

Agualord I Smell Fish

The Aquaman 2 The Lost Kingdowm digital release date is announced for January 23MSN Digital Spy article of co-star Dolph Lungren saying the original cut of Aquaman 2 is the superior film, it "...had a really good original cut according to star Dolph Lundgren, a similar sentiment shared by others within the now defunct DCEU. Speaking to ComicBook, King Nereus actor Lundgren said he felt disappointed for fans who went to see Aquaman 2 because the version that reached cinemas wasn't as good as the original cut."

The Numbers reports that Aquaman 2 international box office is at $378,934,716 million. The production budget on the film is reported as "around $205 million." The math would indicate the film released to theatres is falling short of a profit by approximately $150 million based upon the precept that earnings are split 50/50 with theaters, and the film marketing cost was probably $50 million or so as a guess.

No more DC animated films?Bounding into comics

Pressure on Disney/Marvel to achieve "Netflix" comparable streaming numbersNew York Post and related, Disney CEO gets pay cut also at New York Post and elsewhere at Comics Beat Bob Iger fights back.

It's official!

"Iron Man and Emma Frost Make Their Romance Official"comicbook

Frosty Emma and Stark Tonio

This is not even remotely the Marvel Comics art for their big wedding event

David Ayer's still talking up his cut of the original Suicide SquadBoundingintocomics

The thing that’s been difficult for me is that I made a great film. I made a great film. The people who have seen my cut have pretty much unanimously said that it’s one of the best comic book movies ever made. If someone who’s seen the cut wants to dispute that, then they can come talk to me," he said.

Rumours: She-Hulk and the announced Rey Star Wars film cancelled – Buzz around the internet is that Tatiana Maslany is saying She-Hulk: Attorney at Law Season 2 likely not to be made. Why the new Star Wars movie that was recently announced is also cancelled is not clear, unless it is just the logical result of Ms. Marvel tanking and Disney pulling back on the slate of projects that they were projecting well out into the next decade. Disney/Marvel probably needs a money-making hit to justify future cash outlays on talent and production, and there are several projects on the way in which they'll have a shot at some positive box office and the probable press reaction declaring "Marvel is back!" instead of having to cringe through another cinema bomb and the gloomy headlines that follow.

TMNT comic to get new reboot this yearYahoo News

How long titling has helped Manga sales onlineMSN CBR

One fascinating thing about the current manga industry is how it embraced the light novel title format, with many series having long, sentence-like titles that sum up the book's entire premise. While it is debated when this trend started, most first noticed it in the early 2010s... The listing pages on most of these [online] platforms would only list the work's title, with the reader having to click through to see the description and other information. Because of this, it was hard to grab the eye of potential readers, as many traditional titles would blur together with the rest of the list. So, writers started making their titles longer and more descriptive, hoping to grab the attention of people scrolling through the list.

It should also be noted that a lot of the top sellers, such as One Piece and Demon Slayer, don't follow the light novel title format in the traditional sense. However, they do feature a few crucial parts of light novel titling, even if a good chunk of their sales can be attributed to the popularity of their anime adaptations.

The article doesn't mention it, but long titles to describe a work was an aspect of much older literature that would often have a long main title and then another long subtitle, trying to fit in as much verbage to engage a buyer who couldn't necessarily browse a book before purchase but was seeing book lists of titles and would have to request a volume that would ship from the publisher.

Layoffs comes to PixarSF Gate MSN

Marvel's Atlas Artist Editions first to feature Joe ManeelyScreenrant MSN

Reading habits impacted by rise of popularity of comics in ChinaChina Daily

DC Comics Spring Break comic booksCBR MSN

Bringing back the Superman Musical from the 1960sSarasota Herald-Tribune

The adventures of Superman have been told in many forms since the superhero and his alter ego reporter Clark Kent were first introduced in 1938, from Saturday morning movie serials to lightly serious TV shows and dark and brooding films.

But there are probably many who didn’t know that the superhero also landed on Broadway in the musical "It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane… It’s Superman," which despite positive reviews from critics, lasted only a few months in 1966.

The revived musical production features Sarah Johnson as the titular red-and-blue-tights character.

DC Comics' drag-show initiativeScreenrant

"Near-perfect" The Amazing Spider-Man #1 sold for $1.3+ million on ThursdayNew York Post MSN

Top Gun III comingYahoo

How the TV and Movie MCU effects comic book valuesForbes

Article focuses on how the Shortboxed app reflects demand and anticipation of demand for books, particularly "first appearance" issues for characters that are being debuted into a TV or film project.

... there’s no doubt the expansion of MCU projects has had a positive affect on the overall value of comics. When it’s announced a character is being introduced into the MCU, the value of their first appearance in the comics drastically increases. It’s subject to decrease thereafter given economic factors or even bad reviews of the particular project, but the initial added value remains."

New "villain" Ghost Rider from Marvel MSN Superhero Hype

Echo Reviews

Best Marvel show in yearsMSN Rolling Stone

The "bloodiest show" from Disney Marvel yetUK Guardian

Just another Marvel showGamespot

Echo winds up feeling motivated by the same old conglomerate strategy powering so many franchises these daysYahoo

Making a pulpy but prestigious neo-western seems like a well-timed experiment (or possible accident) in the wake of Marvel’s lackluster 2023 offerings (especially the barely-coherent “Secret Invasion”). Then again, that’s a lot to put on a show that was shot back in mid-2022 and just now made it to air under the hastily branded “Marvel Spotlight” banner."

Second Worst-Reviewed MCU show and its deserved Forbes

The Overstreet Price Guide 2023-2024

Gemstone Price Guide 2024

Thundercats #1 clears 100K in presalesSuperhero Hype

BRZKR was a comic book, now its going to be a novel, and Keanu Reeves will write it Clutchpoints

Big nose dive in sales for certain kinds of graphic novels in bookstores in 2023Comics Beat

Tom Cruise makes production deal with Warner Bros for new filmsCBR Comic Book Research

Lady Iron Fist

Iron Fist coming back as a Lady Living Weapon?Bounding into Comics

IDW renews license for Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtlesYahoo

The CGC Controversy

Scandal at CGC Comicbook

The Certified Guaranty Company (CGC), the largest grading company for comic books, has released a statement in response to a scandal that broke last week on social media. After a number of content creators on Instagram and YouTube discovered apparent fraudulent sales of graded comics, CGC launched an internal investigation. They came back today with an announcement on Instagram, saying that they estimate "a few hundred" comics are affected, and they will be working with collectors to make sure anyone who was affected is made whole. They have yet to release a complete list of the books they say are affected.

CCG and CGC are investigating tampering of graded comics, potentially impacting 350 booksScreenrant MSN

January 3, 2024: CCG and CGC Comics Statement on Holder Tampering Incidentcgccomics (news release contains a list of "impacted certification numbers")

Paint it black

"One hue away" from being the Batmobile – Auto Evolution

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Original page January 26, 2024