Comic Book Brain
Page 2 Golden Motorcycle Superheroes Motorcycle flaming Roman Soldier Blue Suit and Gold StarsDouble Motorcycle superhero women on flaming bikes In the sky motorcycle superheroIn the sky motorcycle superhero 2

AI Challenge #31 - Golden Motorcycle Superheroes

AI Challenge Grok vs ChatGpt

Page 2 of 2

Blue Motorcycle Man

An interesting result is when Grok is generating images and decides that when you said "white" you really meant "blue."

Flaming motorcycle alone in the sky

Asking the AI to "show the flaming motorcycle and rider shooting up into the night sky" resulted in losing the rider entirely.

Add a flaming sword no a helmet

Asking Grok to add a third motorcycle rider resulted in two being added, and a blazing helmet and inexpicably, a separate blazing helmet, too.

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Verdusa Spider Tee

Verdusa Spider Tee – Amazon

Motorcycle on fire superhero woman with drone in the air

"Add a drone working with the superhero" was handled effectively by Grok. But we lost our billowing cape, now it just hangs there like a dishrag. Pointing this out helped improve the next image set.

Golden motorcycle superhero in flames with drone
Yellow and Black Leather Motorcycle superhero

Make the motorcycle character "more robust and buxom" was handled straightforwardly, but the whole left leg disappeared.

Superhero woman on bike with armored car

One of the original requests was to have the character and flaming motorcycle zooming over the tops of military vehicles (in a sort of Evel Knievel scene) but both Grok and Chat GPT could not find a way to make it work, in fact it started adding soldiers to the scene and other weapons, so despite numerous efforts this idea never got further than having an armored personnel carrier in the background.

Superhero woman on bike #2
Flaming bicycle with white suited golden superhero woman
Gold Star Motorcycle Woman

"Add more stars" was easily handled by both AI engines.

Gold Stars Galore
Gold star motorcycle woman #3
Gold Motorcycle Superhero Woman
The Cape and the hair are merging
Suphero woman in white with golden stars

Asking Grok and Chat GPT to have the character on their motorcycle leaping over a military vehicle was handled in some ways rather simply: get rid of the motorcycle and have her fly over. Thanks, AI!

Go back to page 1 of Golden Motorcycles and Superhero Suits

The AI Challenge Index

Original page Feb 12, 2025